Demo update

This is a small update that reworks a few things in the demo based on feedback I received.


Completely changed the intro

The previous intro scene (in the Grand Hall with the Empress) wasn’t the best way to kick off the game. Instead, there’s now a more dynamic sequence that introduces the town of Salus and the (new!) character trait system.

Trait system

I want every almost choice you make to have some impact, however minor. This is now achieved using three character traits, that reflect how you interact with the world. These traits will eventually unlock specific actions/choices, as your character develops.


A handful of larger scenes were also chopped into smaller chunks for your reading pleasure, because no one likes walls of text. Most of the actions you take are now properly appropriately labeled as such, too, instead of just having a ‘continue’ button.

The purpose of this demo is to make sure I can iron out any major kinks before the project gets too big to rework. With this update, the game is settling into the design it will be developed by.

A content update will appear once the main story has been expanded sufficiently. It will open up a deeper part of the Rift, so it’ll take a decent amount of work.



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Aug 09, 2022
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Aug 09, 2022

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